Friday, January 25, 2013

Sleet, School and Microscopes

We woke this morning to find that sleet was falling from the sky.  Normally we would have been completely enthralled with the fact of a shortened school day, if we still did public school.  Today, however we got to enjoy the weather without the worry of getting to or from school safely.  Or, the anxiety of an early dismissal.

You can barely see the pellets of sleet on the deck.

We did, however, have to catch up on school work instead of taking Friday off.  We are a day behind due to the basketball game on Wednesday.  So, Egee and I snuggled on the couch to work on math.  Today was the start of fractions.  She worked on fractions last year and we reviewed the material.  It came back to her in no time.

Little Man was busy keeping us informed on the weather.  He ran back and forth to various windows and doors to check the status.

We finished school work and I fixed clam chowder and crescent rolls for lunch.  Hot chowder on a cold day is a delicious treat.

After lunch, the surprise came.  I had ordered a microscope.  The children were thrilled.  I mainly taught Egee how to properly use the scope.  Little Man was only interested in finding things to look at under the lens.

AmScope 40x-1000x LED Cordless scope with digital camera usb.

Egee listened carefully and asked questions about the usage.  We had fun looking at various bits of paper, thread, yarn, a dollar, and paper towel.  The kids loved the fact it can be hooked up to the computer and everyone can see at the same time.

Looking at a dollar bill.

Paper towel

Egee working the scope.

Little Man's turn to try.

After we finished with the microscope, we headed outside to play in the sleet that had fallen.

A productive day at school and play!