Friday, January 4, 2013


While downloading pictures from our recent trip, I became side tracked and decided to organize a few of our picture folders.  I attempted this task a year ago, but never finished.

I don't know why I picked the 2009 folder, but that is where I started.  Oh, the memories of my little ones.  Little Man was three and Egee just turned seven.  What fond memories!  This was the year we had a huge snowfall (for us in the south), went to Disney World, visited Biltmore, took a long weekend to Myrtle Beach, and many other outings.

Meemee and the cousins enjoying the veranda at Biltmore.

Cousins walking along the path to the barn at Biltmore.

Checking in at Disney World.

Egee and the Little Mermaid at the princess breakfast.

Family picture at the Japanese pavilion in Epcot.

Cinderella's castle

Having fun with Daddy at Myrtle Beach.

Enjoying the cold ocean water.
I discovered that Little Man swiped my camera several times and took pictures.  Most of these I deleted as I cleaned the files, but saved a few to remember.  I loved the lens in the face shots.

Love this upside down shot Little Man took of himself.

How this was Sally B's first snow.  She loved it and would bury her head in the snow and make tunnels. 

It is so hard to believe that Little Man is now the same age Egee was in the pictures.  The years of flown, but I will always have my pictures and video clips of them.