We received three inches of rain overnight and during the morning today. It is still sprinkling and overcast. A lazy day for sure again today. However, much is on the agenda to enjoy a long nap.
First thing this morning when letting the dogs in, Buddy had escaped from his house and was back. The little fellow just tromped into the house with Sally B and Missy. Off to the food bowl he went and settled right in to the morning routine. He evidently likes it here.
Buddy getting some loving from Egee. |
I texted his owner to let her know we had him. Someone will be here latter today to pick him up and take him home. So while he waits, he is enjoying napping with Egee and Little Man. Although, Little Man will not nap.
Napping while the kids watch t.v. |
Egee's book project was due today. She had to get up early to finish it. She did a great job and Ms. Terri was impressed. Ms. Terri said it was the best book out of the group and was impressed. Egee has really enjoyed grammar and writing class with Ms. Terri. The book was a perfect way to complete the year.
Egee loves to write stories, poems, notes, etc. Her book was on caterpillars and two friends. She made me a Mother's Day puzzle today during library class.
My flowers looked beautiful this morning with all the rain they have received. I just love my flowers. Here are some random pics from my flower gardens.
The lamb's ear has beautiful purple flowers. |
My rosebush from Mother's Day 2011 is in bloom. |
I just love these! Their color is amazing. |
The camera does not do them justice. They are like little puffs of velvet. |
Cone flowers of blue, pink, and purple. |
Lamb's ear. |