Sunday, April 21, 2013

Yard Chores

The weather has been lovely this weekend.  Temps in the low to mid sixties makes pleasant outdoor working conditions.  It seems we went from cold to hot in days this spring, so the actual spring time weather we are having now makes outdoor chores more tolerable.

I mowed the lawn on the highest setting.  Trying to create a more thick lawn.  It might not look as nice as a closer trim, but I am hoping that it will eventually thicken.  I like walking barefoot through a thick lawn.

After I mowed the entire lawn, I went back over the orchard area and scalped the grass area.  I used the lowest setting on the mower.  I read somewhere that scalping the grassy areas under and around young fruit trees will help them grow better.  We shall see.  I am planning on adding a larger ring of mulch around the trees in the next week.

I then scalped an area that I am planning to start another garden plot.  This was just basically to mark the area.  Now, I am trying to decide whether to put raised beds in the area or till the area.

Round Up time!  I decided to try the new Extended Season Round Up.  I usually use vinegar and salt, but it is a weekly battle to keep weeds at bay.  I really would like to spend less time battling weeds and more time enjoy spring and summer.  I sprayed every crack in the drive, sidewalk, and patio.  I then sprayed all the weeds that have taken over the mulched playground area, under the trampoline and building, around the fence and heat pump, along the curb and stepping stones. 

Next, I declared a second year of war on dandelions.  Last year, I bought a dandelion puller and spent hours upon hours pulling the dandelions from the front and back yard area.  You would never know it by looking at the yard.  I think they multiplied out of spite!

So, I bought a spray to target dandelions and chickweed (another problem).  I spent the better part of two hours spraying the dandelions in the front and back yards.  Now, I have to wait thirty days to see if it works.  I am crossing my fingers and hoping.

Finally, I sprayed the apple and pear trees with the fire blight preventative. I really hope this stuff is working!  My trees are looking very healthy.  One of the pear trees has an abundance of small pears forming.  The apple trees are in bloom.  It is too soon to tell if I will get apples this year.

Now, the weekend is over and I still have much more to do!