Tuesday, August 5, 2014


Little Man is budding fisherman.  His grandad just gave him a new rod and reel and of course, he was itching to try it out.  The other day was perfect for an outing to the lake.  The sky was overcast and temperatures were pleasant.  I told him to grab his gear and let him invite a friend to go fishing.  He was ecstatic.

We arrived at the lake around 10:30 am and the boys began fishing.  K-man caught the first few sun perch.  Then Little Man started to have success.  I was busy baiting hooks with red wiggler worms and taking small sun perch off hooks.

The boys went through 30 worms in two and a half hours.  I made a deal with them to load up in the car and I would take them to get some lunch and buy more worms.  The day was to pleasant to just go back home.  They happily agreed and off we went.

Within thirty minutes we were back at the lake and catching fish again.  Of course, all the fish they caught were too little to keep.  That didn't matter to them.  They were having a blast just reeling them in!

Next thing I knew, it was four o'clock and we had just ran out worms again!  Time to head home and tell fish stories to the family!