Friday, April 21, 2017

SC State Museum: Sea Monsters and Savage Ancient Seas

We took a little road trip to the SC State Museum with friends.  The museum happens to be free for SC home school students and one teacher per family during the week.  The special exhibits and shows are only three dollars per person for each!  Our main reason for visiting this time was for the special exhibit on Savage Ancient Seas and the planetarium show on Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure.

The fossil replicas of the mammoth sized sea creatures was unreal!  The kiddos were extremely impressed with the different prehistoric fish, reptiles, birds, and others.  J-Man was on cloud nine with this exhibit.  He absolutely loves dinosaurs and the like.  He would look at a fossil or skeleton and babble off the name before we had a chance to read the signage.  He was in his element!

The kids loved the touch screen that allowed them to choose different animals to learn more about.  It even held Little Man's attention.  He's never been into dinosaurs.

After we finished looking and learning in the Savage Ancient Seas exhibit, we headed to the planetarium.  The Sea Monsters: A Prehistoric Adventure went hand in hand with the exhibit we had just explored.  It was nicely done and very informative.  We all enjoyed it.

The rest of the afternoon we explored the State Museum.  We traveled back in time to learn about the people of South Carolina.  The State has a rich and vibrant history.  The museum does an outstanding job relating the history to the visitors.

We explored the science themed areas and participated in the interactive displays.

We perused the technological advancements across the ages and noted how much things have changed in such a short period of time.

We had a great time and will return when a new featured exhibit comes to town.