We spent the evening with George Washington at the Winter Chautauqua event. We love learning more about history through this lecture series.
The evening started of with Fowler and Brooks playing period music. Brooks was the South Carolina fiddle playing champion of 2017. Fowler, a story teller and folk singer, played the banjo. The pieces they played were: Camp Meeting in July, 8th of January, Bonaparte's Retreat, and Liberty.
Ron Carnegie portrayed George Washington and did an excellent job! This is the only character he plays and has spent years perfecting his craft. He even played George Washington in Williamsburg.
We listened to Washington's Presidential Farewell address of 1796. Carnegie said he paraphrased it some, but the message was still the same.
George Washington is a complicated and intriguing character that many can learn from. The man devoted himself to fifty three years of service (military and presidential). He held himself to high standards and set many expectations we have of the highest ranking office. It was a treat to hear him speak.