Monday, March 9, 2020

In The Dark Exhibit at the North Carolina Arboretum

We had another great trip to the NC Arboretum and saw the In The Dark exhibit.  We learned about animal adaptations to low light and complete dark environments.  This exhibit was very hands on for the kids.  They enjoyed learning more about nocturnal animals and discovering how these animals have adapted to the world of darkness.

Nocturnal animals have a big impact on our environment.  The above display shows different nocturnal animals in our local area.

Each person was able to enter a total darkness room and asked to complete a task.  Outside the room we could watch the person on a monitor using the night vision camera.

Learning where mammals go at night to hide from nocturnal predators.  Also, how owls and bats can discover these 'hidden' prey in the darkness of night.

Discovering how birds migrate during night time hours.

Learning how animals adapted to dark environments.

Discovering creatures of the deep and how they survive the harsh living conditions.

Learning about how visually impaired people navigate the world around them.

Discovering how voles and moles feel vibrations underground.