Thursday, January 24, 2013

Marshmallow Catapults

Today, we went to the Landrum library for home school class.  Little Man was excited to make marshmallow catapults.  Egee was excited to see her friend.

Ms. Nancy explained how catapults work.  She showed the children the lever and fulcrum and explained how they work on the catapult.

She then showed the children the soda can catapult she had built.  She launched mini marshmallows toward the children and they tried to catch the white puffs in their mouth.  It was quite a site.

Soda can catapult
The children are ready to catch a marshmallow.

After the trajectory stunt, the children settled in and began building their own catapults.  They chose from various size Popsicle sticks and rubber bands.  Ms. Nancy hot glued soda bottle caps to the catapults.

Soon the room was buzzing with flying mini marshmallows.  The children were having a blast.

Ready, aim, fire!
The battle has begun!  (All the white dots on the floor are marshmallows!)

Having fun dodging marshmallows.

The parents had to confiscate (pick up) the ammunition (mini marshmallows) to get the children to go home.  Thank you Ms. Nancy for a fun afternoon!