Wednesday, May 2, 2012


The schnauzer showed up again today. We didn’t see him all weekend. I was hoping that his owners had fixed his fence. Little Man was ecstatic over the fact that ‘Buddy’ came back. He loves that little dog.
Buddy waiting on Little Man

Seeing how Little Man won’t leave the dog alone, I decided to detick and deflea the rascal. He has been groomed because his hair is short,so he is definitely not a stray. I gave the fellow a bath. He was a perfect gentleman during the ordeal.

Little Man decided that Buddy needed to come inside. I told him no. However, Little Man ignored my warning and snuck the dog indoors. It was a battle getting him out.

I know I am a sucker for animals. The little fellow is so cute! But, we have two dogs, one cat, and three turtles. Hubby said no more! Little Man isn’t convinced his father means no. Four times today I have found Buddy secured in the garage. 

Buddy seems to really like Little Man. He lets Little Man carry him and waits for him. I’m not sure if this dog is going to go back home. He probably has it better here than his home. We shall wait and see what happens.