Monday, February 24, 2020

Billy Graham Library Homeschool Day

The Billy Graham Library in Charlotte, NC hosted its first ever homeschool day in October.  We were thrilled to go.  The library has been on our list of places to visit and this was the perfect opportunity.

The library was amazed at how many homeschoolers registered for the event.  Someone said they had over 800 people attend the event.

We enjoyed the Journey of Faith tour at the library.  The kids liked watching the video footage and looking at the displays.  We learned much more about Billy Graham and his ministry.

We enjoyed our lunch at the Graham Brother's Dairy Bar.  The kids delighted in the free snow cones and popcorn.

After lunch, we toured the Graham family home.  It reminded me of my own great-grandparents' and grandparents' houses.  A sweet little old lady that was a friend of the Grahams sat in the house and asked each child their name.  She then prayed for each child using John 3:16 and added their name to the verse.  After she prayed, she gave them a little card with a salvation prayer for them to take home.

Finally, we walked to the Memorial Prayer Garden and paid our respects to the Grahams.  It was a nice peaceful area.

I am so happy we went to the event. We will definitely go back!