We started with our lessons around 9:30am. Egee ate her breakfast as I read aloud the history lesson for the day. Israel Falls to the Assyria was the topic. We incorporated the bible during the lesson, so two subjects are taken care of at one time. After the history lesson, we did a quiz to see what they remembered. The children did pretty well, considering some of the material was presented last fall and last spring.
I then read aloud the Prologue of 'Rush Revere and the Brave Pilgrims'. We discussed various vocabulary terms and ideas presented in the introduction of the book. It was a good review on a topic we delved into three years ago.
We moved from the living room to the dining room for our next phase of school. I gave each child a map of the United States and dumped out a box of crayons. We traveled back to their first trip to Oklahoma. (Both children were infants on their first respectful trip.) We found South Carolina and colored it. Then I asked what state did they travel through next and colored it. We did this all the way until we arrived at Oklahoma. Then we reminisced about the trip we took one time coming back from Oklahoma. We colored in each state we went through to get back home. After this 'trip', we moved onto the trip we took to Disney World. Then our trip last summer to Virginia and our trip this summer to Houston. They had a great time remembering the trips and seeing how much of the U.S. they have traveled.
Little Man did a hand writing sheet. He has never been much for writing and we really just haven't pursued it. He types and hasn't had a desire to write. Over the summer, he commented on how he needs to start practicing writing. I asked when would he like to start and he said when his friends go back to school. So, we began.
Egee decided to she wanted to work on a few of the diy.org challenges. We logged on and looked at the various ones. She already has done things to apply to a few of the categories. We uploaded the pictures showing what she has done and then searched for more things to do. Little Man wanted to do the same.
Egee has worked on loom bracelets, baseball bracelets, practiced for dance class, and played her ukulele. Little Man has been engrossed with the Batman game on the PS3. Overall, we have had a pretty good day of learning.